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Viper Ride – October 12, 2007

Exactly one year ago I got a once-in-a-lifetime chance to fly an F-16. This is what I wrote after I woke up and recovered.

Today I logged my first 1.4 hours of Viper time. Lt. Col. Kevin “Coconut” Grove was the pilot on my first F-16 flight. We started off by doing a full afterburner vertical ascent to 10,000 feet. This pulled about 3.2Gs. The strangest thing about sitting in the cockpit of this aircraft while it is flying is the lack of engine noise. The vertical takeoff was completely silent.

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The end of an era

My ABU Blouse

My ABU Blouse

Friday, October 10th, 2008. was the last day that I had to wear my uniform. I enlisted February 11, 2003. My last as active duty is November 19, 2008. I will be in the Individual Ready Reserves until February 10, 2011 completing my 8 year commitment. I shouldn’t actually have to do anything, unless something bad pops up and they have an immediate need for a programmer, for some reason.

I had a good run. I was assigned to Detachment 1 Air Combat Command Training Support Squadron at Luke AFB, AZ. I worked there as a Simulation Engineer. I got the chance to go TDY to several states and to work on several cool projects.

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